Raspberry Pi (PXEPI)

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Joined: 20 Aug 2013, 06:38

Re: Raspberry Pi (PXEPI)

Post by commguy » 25 Feb 2014, 00:46

Here's a couple of screenshots
Splash screen
grab.png (77.96 KiB) Viewed 80886 times
The working part of the interface to get IP info and display (graphics to come)
grab2.png (2.31 KiB) Viewed 80886 times
I just cropped the bg from the install for the splash screen, if anyone has a better one I'd be happy to use it.

More to come.

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Joined: 28 Sep 2013, 21:22

Re: Raspberry Pi (PXEPI)

Post by ET-CS » 28 Feb 2014, 11:54

Awesome!!! great to see the project in progress!

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Joined: 19 Mar 2016, 13:15

Re: Raspberry Pi (PXEPI)

Post by dwarak17 » 19 Mar 2016, 13:37

I've been wanting to know this as well.

Under x86 arch that is handled by BIOS Option Roms, usually embedded in the Ethernet Card/Controller. Under ARM that structure is different and there is no universal BIOS-like conventions regarding booting the device.

For the ARM devices I've been working with (DreamPlug, SheevaPlug derviative: PogoPlug and Seagate GoFlex Net) the network boot has been handled by the uboot boot loader as an built-in capability.

In the case of the Raspberry Pi the boot is handled by the GPU binary which is expected to load from a Fat Partition on the SD Card. Since we know very little to nothing about that GPU binary blob, it's hard to say. I think if it supports network boot will depend on if the blob is built with the Raspberry Pi's network chip in mind and includes code to drive it.

Now this doesn't preclude chain loading a boot loader from the FAT partition to provide network boot. But if it's done that way it would be after-market.

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Re: Raspberry Pi (PXEPI)

Post by telekomiker » 19 May 2016, 12:41

dwarak17 wrote:I've been wanting to know this as well.

Under x86 arch that is handled by BIOS Option Roms, usually embedded in the Ethernet Card/Controller. Under ARM that structure is different and there is no universal BIOS-like conventions regarding booting the device.

For the ARM devices I've been working with (DreamPlug, SheevaPlug derviative: PogoPlug and Seagate GoFlex Net) the network boot has been handled by the uboot boot loader as an built-in capability.

In the case of the Raspberry Pi the boot is handled by the GPU binary which is expected to load from a Fat Partition on the SD Card. Since we know very little to nothing about that GPU binary blob, it's hard to say. I think if it supports network boot will depend on if the blob is built with the Raspberry Pi's network chip in mind and includes code to drive it.

Now this doesn't preclude chain loading a boot loader from the FAT partition to provide network boot. But if it's done that way it would be after-market.

Hi dwarak17 !

Did you tested BerryBoot? On BerryBoot you can menu-driven change to a fixed IP-Adress for your Bootmedia (means Image/SD-card):

1. copy the image to the sd-card
2. boot the card
3. Edit the configuration file
:P ... and have fun !

Best regards from Germany


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Joined: 20 May 2016, 18:31

Re: Raspberry Pi (PXEPI)

Post by MongozAZ » 20 May 2016, 18:33

Nice setup! If possible I would love to look at your code. I'm having troubles with my clonezilla and tftp server error 2 access violations, and I am stumped! Thanks in advance!

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