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Updated version of TAILS

Posted: 18 Apr 2013, 15:07
by wetwilly

I've been struggling for a while now to get the more up to date versions of TAILS to run when booting over PXE. I've come so far as to get TAILS to boot ;) but somehow I think it fails to mount some directories and cannot launch TOR and some other tools correctly.

ATM I'm using tails 0.17.2 and this is the entries

Code: Select all

MENU LABEL ^Tails Live 0.17.2
KERNEL er/plugins/tails/vmlinuz
INITRD er/plugins/tails/initrd.img

APPEND boot=live live-config netboot=nfs nfsroot= ramdisk_size=200000 nolock noswap live-media=removable noprompt timezone=Etc/UTC block.events_dfl_poll_msecs=1000 nopersistent
Any help in getting it to launch properly would be highly appreciated.

Re: Updated version of TAILS

Posted: 18 Apr 2013, 15:17
by RaveMaker
The first thing to do is to check that your NFS exports are configured to share:

I'll try and create a new version for Tails during this weekend.
I will upload it when I'm done.

Re: Updated version of TAILS

Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 13:58
by wetwilly
The NFS is working for sure, I am using lots of your wonderful plugins and they all work perfect except for the tails one.

macbook:~ seb$ mount /tmp/tails/

Code: Select all

macbook:~ seb$ ls -lah /tmp/tails/*
-rw-r--r--  1 1000  1000    70B  4 Apr  2012 /tmp/tails/filelist.txt

total 1690510
drwxr-xr-x  2 1000  1000     5B 17 Apr 02:48 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 1000  1000     4B 26 Feb 16:57 ..
-r--r--r--  1 1000  1000    37K 17 Apr 02:45 filesystem.packages
-r--r--r--  1 1000  1000   825M 17 Apr 02:45 filesystem.squashfs
cat /tmp/tails/filelist.txt

Code: Select all


My guess is that something new is needed in the append syntax, because I get the whole Tails "live-session" to start with X and all but when I start the browser it is unable to browse the deepweb because the TOR binary fails to start correctly. And I'm totally lost why that happens...

Re: Updated version of TAILS

Posted: 10 May 2013, 01:34
by RaveMaker
I've tried running Tails in various configurations and there seems to be an issue with the NIC.
When I load it from the ISO file it works.
I get the same errors on start up about the sys and proc mounts so that doesn't seem to be the issue.

Have you gotten the NIC to work properly?