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Fog Menus are not active
Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 07:28
by stevemarfisi
I've got FOG 0.32 installed under ERPXE 1.06 on Ubuntu 12.04 Server. The FOG menus are where they should be, and I can scroll through the FOG menu items, but when I select <enter> on any of the FOG menu items, nothing happens. The only active (i.e. I can select and hit <enter>) FOG menu item is the Back... menu item on the bottom.
Any idea on what is going on? I cleared the passwords on the FOG menu under /tftpboot/er/plugins/fog/ change.
Any ideas?
Re: Fog Menus are not active
Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 08:00
by stevemarfisi
I figured it out.
/var/log/syslog had this in the log output:
Apr 13 21:51:21 ubuntu in.tftpd[25136]: RRQ from filename er/plugins/fog/kernel/bzImage remapped to er/plugins/fog/kernel/bzimage
I wondered why the kernel (bzImage) was being remapped to lower case letters - this is because there is an "er.remap" file at the tftproot which had a remapping of uppercase to lowercase:
gr \\ / # Convert backslashes to slashes
rg ([A-Z]) \L\1 # lowercase names
I can only assume that the remap is in there to address requirements for the other plugins, so instead I renamed "bzImage" to "bzimage"...and the FOG pxe menus are now working.
Re: Fog Menus are not active
Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 18:30
by RaveMaker
The er.remap is essential for WinPE plugins and few more Windows based plugins.
It basically changes all letters to lower case and replaces
The Upper Case is hex coded into the WinPE boot files and cannot be changed without a lot of trouble.
Without WinPE based plugins you can disable the er.remap.