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Fog Menus are not active

Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 07:28
by stevemarfisi
I've got FOG 0.32 installed under ERPXE 1.06 on Ubuntu 12.04 Server. The FOG menus are where they should be, and I can scroll through the FOG menu items, but when I select <enter> on any of the FOG menu items, nothing happens. The only active (i.e. I can select and hit <enter>) FOG menu item is the Back... menu item on the bottom.

Any idea on what is going on? I cleared the passwords on the FOG menu under /tftpboot/er/plugins/fog/ change.

Any ideas?

Re: Fog Menus are not active

Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 08:00
by stevemarfisi
I figured it out.

/var/log/syslog had this in the log output:

Apr 13 21:51:21 ubuntu in.tftpd[25136]: RRQ from filename er/plugins/fog/kernel/bzImage remapped to er/plugins/fog/kernel/bzimage

I wondered why the kernel (bzImage) was being remapped to lower case letters - this is because there is an "er.remap" file at the tftproot which had a remapping of uppercase to lowercase:

gr \\ / # Convert backslashes to slashes
rg ([A-Z]) \L\1 # lowercase names

I can only assume that the remap is in there to address requirements for the other plugins, so instead I renamed "bzImage" to "bzimage"...and the FOG pxe menus are now working.

Re: Fog Menus are not active

Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 18:30
by RaveMaker
The er.remap is essential for WinPE plugins and few more Windows based plugins.
It basically changes all letters to lower case and replaces

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

The Upper Case is hex coded into the WinPE boot files and cannot be changed without a lot of trouble.
Without WinPE based plugins you can disable the er.remap.