Don't know if your aware of this, but when I hit post to post a new topic, this error is on the top
"[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/posting.php on line 18: include(): Unable to allocate memory for pool.
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/posting.php on line 20: include(): Unable to allocate memory for pool.
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/message_parser.php on line 21: include(): Unable to allocate memory for pool."
just thought I'd let you know.
Website error
Re: Website error
We are currently switching to a better hosting service so there might be a few website issues in the next couple of days.
The website is updated and reflects current stable version.
Thanx for your support
The website is updated and reflects current stable version.
Thanx for your support
Re: Website error
That was a tricky problem indeed took us time to figure out. RaveMaker finally fixed it!, hope it will go away forever