Search found 3 matches

by colonel
11 Jun 2015, 14:57
Forum: Troubleshooting and Problems
Topic: Cannot boot hirensbootcd
Replies: 3
Views: 33464

Re: Cannot boot hirensbootcd

Thanks to syslinux irc chat the problem is solved. I changed order of parameters in file er/plugins/hirensbootcd/ changed ------------------ INITRD er/plugins/hirensbootcd/hirensbootcd.ima APPEND RAW ------------------ to ------------------ APPEND initrd=er/plugins/hirensbootcd/hire...
by colonel
11 Jun 2015, 14:06
Forum: Troubleshooting and Problems
Topic: Cannot boot hirensbootcd
Replies: 3
Views: 33464

Re: Cannot boot hirensbootcd

My server is running Windows Server 2003 with its own TFTP service, I don't know are there any logs.
by colonel
11 Jun 2015, 11:40
Forum: Troubleshooting and Problems
Topic: Cannot boot hirensbootcd
Replies: 3
Views: 33464

Cannot boot hirensbootcd

Hi, I've encountered problems booting hirensbootcd.ima (DOS version of Hiren's boot CD). I followed instructions at but after choosing menu item "Hiren's BootCD 15.1 DOS" erpxe just returns to menu without any error message after trying to load image. I switched ...